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Book your free consultation today to start your journey toward lifelong vitality—a life with a spring in your step, joy in your heart, and a deeper sense of purpose.
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Let me tell you...
As a young adult renting a room in downtown Toronto, I woke up one morning with a congested chest, a runny nose, and a pounding headache. I felt awful, frustrated by the cycle of constantly waking up sick, with colds seeming to shadow my every step. I knew I had to find answers.
When I heard about a health retreat, I signed up, hoping to uncover what might be causing these issues. The retreat, held on a farm in Orangeville, provided meals that were only fruits and vegetables. By the second day, I felt worse than ever, getting violently ill and regretting I’d even come. The instructor noticed my struggle and guided me through a seven-day cleanse, using my experience to illustrate how a sudden shift from an acidic to an alkaline diet can shock the body.
Back in the city, on the fifth day of the cleanse, I woke up feeling transformed—light, grounded, energized, and deeply connected. For the first time, I felt what true health was like, and it was euphoric.
That day, I made a decision: I wanted others to feel this incredible sense of health and vitality. I knew it was possible because I had experienced it myself, and I became determined to dedicate my life to helping others find this balance. Now, decades later, I’ve not only embraced a vibrant, healthy life but have also achieved strong bone health—an essential foundation for lifelong vitality. I’m here to help you experience the same.
Why I'm qualified to help you...
Author and Co-Author of 12 Books. (6 International Best Sellers)
Charlene is a Lifestyle and Leadership Mentor, functional nutritionist, certified hypnotherapist, self sabotage coach, facilitator, best selling author, and speaker. Her expertise in the areas of wellness, lifestyle counselling, holistic health and entrepreneurial coaching is the result of 5 decades of study and practice.
She is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Registered Nutritional Consultant, a Certified Professional Hypnotist, a Self Sabotage Coach,, has a Bachelor of Spiritual Science, and holds a Diploma in Social Work.
Highlights of Charlene’s early career include a busy massage therapy practice, therapeutic movement instructor, spiritual healing and meditation teacher, holistic coaching, and teaching college nutrition classes.
Charlene had the honor to be one of the presenters at the First World Conference on Breast Cancer.
Along with Charlene’s keen interest in health, she has an avid interest in personal development which supports her holistic approach. She is always learning and exploring. She has authored and co-authored over nine health books as well as contributed chapters to four other books.
Her latest international best seller book The 30 Laws of Flow – Timeless Principles For Entrepreneurial Success can be found in or the 30 day program under further training in
Her enthusiastic study in sales, marketing, goal setting, money management, communication skills, leadership, productivity, personal and spiritual development and training led her to coaching others. As an entrepreneur for 5 decades, she supports others based on experiential knowledge and training, in their journey towards becoming entrepreneurs and leaders.
As a visionary social entrepreneur, speaker, coach, wellness expert and facilitator, she assists other to recognize their full potential. She inspires entrepreneurs to break through the issues and paradigms that prevent them from achieving their dreams while supporting their wellness. This is offered through self sabotage coaching (either individual or group) or through an entrepreneurial venture which gives people the opportunity to earn whatever they decide.
Charlene has a daughter, two adult granddaughters and three great-grandsons. She supports other entrepreneurs worldwide through KIVA as well as two foster children.
Book your free consultation with Charlene so you experience strong, resilient bones and vitality in your life.